About the movie

Why we made it

Tobacco kills

With more than 6 million deaths per year worldwide, tobacco use is the first cause of premature death around the world. WHO projects that half of today’s smokers will die of tobacco related disease. The electronic cigarette (also known as vaping), free of tobacco, allows a substantial risk reduction and confronts this scourge. Yet, even when the public health authorities are not radically opposed, they are still fearful about this new device. With a scientific and political conflict, the electronic cigarette is disrupting the Public Health codes. At first “Beyond the Cloud” figures out the “e-cigarette phenomenon” by observing the society changes, smokers of course and also non-smokers and vapers, whether they are enthusiastic or worried. Structured in different chapters, Beyond the Cloud focuses on interviewing international experts who have studied very closely this product and follows people whose life has been transformed by vaping. Political and public health openness end our journey. This movie took Ghyslain ARMAND and Sébastien DUIJNDAM to United States, France, Switzerland and Poland. 24 different people from different nationalities are taking part of the story. Beyond The Cloud has been produced by the international vaping exhibition Vapexpo and is co-presented with the Vaping Post (international vaping news). This documentary film, released on September 28th, 2016 is free and only available on YouTube.